

I don't have a lot of time but I need to address the comments on my last post. I had no idea that anyone was actually reading this crappy blog of mine. If I would've known that someone other than a few of my close friends were going to read this, I never would've posted anything bad about any brewer on here. I was simply using this as a way to share my thoughts when I'm bored. I had no intentions of disrespecting anyone, and I wish to extend my deepest apologies for crossing the line. Again, I thought that no one was really going to give a shit about my opinions. Yes I'm an amateur, new to this business, and really don't know what I'm talking about yet, but I have my opinions. From here on out I will keep them to myself.

Once more, Guy, and everyone else, I'm sorry. I feel very lucky to be even slightly involved in this community. Everyone I've met so far is great, and I want to do nothing but help them. I appreciate everyone responding so quick to let me know what a jackass I was being, but if I would've known that Guy, Lew, "Mr. C", or anyone else of any sort of importance in the community were to read this, I never would've posted those comments.


Anonymous said...

No apology needed for me, but thanks. Look, we all make mistakes--the difference today is they're out there for the whole world to see. With "Google Alerts" you have to assume when you write about a specific person or company that it will be seen by them.

I'm guessing you'd rather be known by the good people at Triumph as "that cool dude who works at Earth" rather than "that dude who said our beer tasted like...(well you know)...on ratebeer." So keep the advice you've been given in mind.

Good luck and good brewing.

Jon (aka santoslhalper) said...

I really appreciate it Guy. I'm gonna make a trip up soon and we can bury the hatchet over a good brew.